​Bhrigu Yoga - ​​​​​
Brahma Chinta Pranali

Kumari Durga Rani Bhavani
Shri Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury and his wife gave birth to five children, but only two survived – Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury and Kumari Durga Rani Bhadury, "Bhawani".

His daughter's name, "Durga Rani", means – the queen of the God's world and so she was; Maa Durga, "Bhawani" was sent to earth in wintery season at Basant Panchami, on the birthday of Maa Saraswati- the Goddess of knowledge, in 1940, as the third child of her parents.
She was destined to be different from others as her father Shri Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury was a great devotee of Goddess Durga, his prayers were answered and so Durga Rani was born with the essence of Yogini Shakti - embodiment of divine powers.

She lost her mother at a very early age; she was just three years old. Her unique nature and introvert personality was obvious since an early stage in her life and her father informed his disciples of her special cosmic nature, and powers. Her utterances even as a child used to be full of wisdom and she was able to give accurate Astrological predictions to anyone, at times even used to correct her own father's predictions and offer his advice.​ ​​​​
In return to her astrological work of predictions she never desired costly things; but mostly asked the person to pay for a cup of Chai, Indian Tea.

She had the possession of supernatural forces that would assist her in helping her family. At a very early age she knew the sacred Mantras of religious texts. Ma Durga acted as a strong armor for her brother. As such and in order to save her family, she took the force of an evil spell on herself at the age of seven as she fell down from the western side of the house porch. She lost consciousness for few minutes. Her life was saved but she suffered a major injury in her spinal cord, she was not expected to walk again but by her strong will power and the grace of God - she did.

In the summer of 1955 her father left his body this changed her position form a child protected by a parent to an elder sister caring for her younger brother.​

At the age of 16 years she was taken by her father's disciples along with her brother to meet Devraha Baba, a Siddha Mahatama who was claimed and documented as 500 years old. While meeting her he invoked the presence of the divine mother by divine words and both went into trans- state.​​​

Maa Durga Rani was also cherished by Blind Siddha Mahatma, Veetnath Raganand, who experienced her holy state. 
Maa Durga Rani has blessed the entire Bhadury family members to realize her essence during the years of her living among them. Till date she is a magnetizing mystery; whoever knows what she was - knows bliss itself.
Maa Durga Rani left her body at the age of 55, in the summer of 1999.

Kumari Durga Rani Bhadury, "Bhavani"
& Shri Shri Dr. Brahma Gopal Bhadury