​Bhrigu Yoga - ​​​​​
Brahma Chinta Pranali

What is Bhrigu Yoga - Brahma Chinta Pranali
"The purpose of Yoga is to lift the veil of illusion, known as ’Maya’, and reach a perfect self-awareness. When a Yogi wakes the energy at the base of the spinal cord and enters the door that leads to the six chakras, he climbs from chakra to chakra, raising his spiritual consciousness step by step. ​​​
There are 16 main chakras, each helps getting closer to that supreme power we all yearn for.​ The knowledge that enables us to know Brahma [God] and that deals with lifting the veil of illusion, ’Maya’, is ’Brahma Chinta Pranali’. This ancient knowledge was collected and edited by the Rishi Bhrigu, some 2000 years BC.
Using this knowledge, we learn how to constantly keep our consciousness focused on Brahma. A Brahman is someone who has internalized the knowledge of Brahma. In the process of Brahma Chinta Pranalli, we learn how to unite the private self and the supreme self, to rise from the material to the spiritual and descend to the material again. ​​​Bhrigu Yoga teaches us to balance the two.​​​​
The manuscripts of the ’Brahma Chinta Pranali’ include five branches.
These branches are called the ’Five Supreme Sciences’ (Panchang Sundari)
and together create a complete life philosophy –​​​
1) Bhrigu Raja Yoga – The Royal Yoga. The householders’ path; teaches the individual, how to control the consciousness and​
to ​attain ​the Supreme path of union.​
2) Bhrigu Tantra – A process that frees us from the ties of the body, the mind and the senses, and finally helps one becoming
free ​from ​the cycle ​of death and rebirth.​​
3) Bhrigu Jyotish – Vedic Astrology. This branch includes the knowledge of reading an individual’s astrological chart, ​
​ ​u​nderstanding what ​changes ​has ​to make and ​offering help ​and solutions using Exercises, ​Mantra ​and Stones.​​
4) Ayurveda – The ancient Yogic Medicine, which leads the way to a healthy, long life.​
5) Darshan Shastra - the knowledge of philosophy & Psychology that are based on Indian religion and mythology." ​
Dr. Jayant K. Bhadury, 2001