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Shri Shri Sudhi Ranjan Bhadury & Kalyani Devi 

Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury ( Sudhi Babu) was a great yogi. Born in 1880 to the royal Bengali Brahmin family ( in Nabadvip), Nadia district in west Bengal. He was the second child among three children. Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury had been searching for God and had a deep thirst for spiritual knowledge from an early age. His prayers were answered, as from the earliest days of his youth he was guided by wise people and was exposed to rare scriptures and books. At some point, after schooling, Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury decided to give up the royal life he was born into and left his family, heading to Varanasi, hoping to find a master to guide him. His selfless world-view was a part of his motivation to discarding the pleasures of royalty and move to Varanasi, and not retreat in far forest or in the Himalayas as that would have been work only for his own inner self. 


After days of Tapasya [austerity], as per the guidance of his Guru, Shri Shri Shyama Charan Lahiri Ji Mahashay, Saint Bhrigu was revealed to him. Shri Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bahdury was initiated and was given the knowledge of Jyotish (Astrology), Tantra (Kularnav and Maa Bhadrikali knowledge ) and Brahma Chinta Pranali, which had been hidden in Tibetans monasteries from the 13th century. During his initiation he promised sage Bhrigu he would spread the knowledge for the benefit of humanity and not keep it only to himself.

He has dedicated his whole life to gathering ancient scriptures, which were spread in various parts of India and Tibet. He succeeded in collecting parts of the Bhrigu Sutras. These scriptures are now part of the unique and rare books and scriptures collection, which is in the Bhadury's family home in Varanasi, India. The Bhadury's library contains at least 40,000 manuscripts in various subjects, and languages. His rarest books collection and ancient secretive knowledge attracted many scholars and spiritual seekers to his house over the year.

People who met him were struck by his graceful charismatic personality, his simplicity and magnetism. His sharing of thoughts and unrevealed teachings were reserved for his closed disciples who came to his house daily in the evening hours (Satsang) and had the privilege of learning and practicing the secretive Bhrigu Yoga Kriyas.

The west has learned about the Brahma Chinta Pranali from the meetings between Paul Brunton and Shri Sudhi Ranjan Bhadury, which took place in 1920. Brunton had well described these meetings in his exemplary book “A Search in Secret India"(2). This book describes Brunton’s search for the real Masters of Yoga in India. In chapter 12 titled "Written in the Stars", he retells the story of how he came to meet Shri Shri Sudhi Ranjan Bhadury and describes their meetings, where he was exposed to Shri Shri Sudhi Ranjan Bhadury's astrological work and was given a unique yoga practice.

Many peculiar happenings were described by people who were blesses and privileged enough to meet Sudhi babu in person. One of these people was a famous and wealthy merchant who came to meet Sudhi Babu at his house. The merchant was extremely worried as the key to his safe was lost somewhere on his journey from Kolkata back to Varanasi. He rushed to Sudhi Babau and begged for his help. Sudhi Babu gave an accurate description of where the key was left (on the left back side of a railway track) and so it was joyfully found.

Shri Sudhui Ranjan Bhadury was married to Kalyani Devi on 1934. Regardless of her relatively young age she was a true form of love and affection and was blessed with a divine grace to give birth to these souls and be a wife to a Siddha Mahatma. She gave birth to five children, but only two survived – Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury and his sister Kumari Durga Rani Bhadury, Bhavani. As a householder Sudhir Babu worked as a teacher, as of 1948, at the Bengali Tola School in Varanasi.

Even the life of sages can be subject to envy and evil forces; thus his son's life was threatened in one situation, when he was five years old, Shri Sudhi Ranjan Bhadury nearly lost him. His son actually died but the Yogi used Mrit Sanjeevani Vidya - a system of giving life to a dead person by again infusing soul in him- and preformed a Kriya of three days which eventually brought Shri Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury back to life.

Sage Bhadury preformed a special Tantric Kriya (Pooja) in his home to transform it into a Panch Mundi Aasan, a highly charged place. In the late years of his life disciples found him to be in Bhava-Samadhi.

Shri Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury had a constant vision of Maa Bhadhrikali, of God, and before submerging himself as a part of infinite, Para Brahman, the Yogi was blessed with the Siddhi of Maa Bhadhrikali. Shri Sudhui Ranjan Bhadury left his body in 1956 when his son was 13 years old and daughter 15 years old. Shri Brahma Gopal Bhadury currently lives in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh, India, with his family, in the same house where his father had lived before. 




Shri Sudhir Ranjan Bhadury and Kalayani Devi 

Maa Bhadhrikali 

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